Capacitación en español disponible a petición. Contacte a Ruth Arias al 1-800-67-MEDIA O vía correo electrónico
- What is the primary purpose for Media Monitors?
- What does it mean that Media Monitors radio service is accredited by MRC?
- How does Media Monitors know what was played or what ran?
- How long does Media Monitors keep the audio or video?
- How are new advertisements identified?
- How soon is new advertising data available?
- How is the actual creative viewed?
- How are my report results organized?
- What are some of the different aspects of Media Monitors that can help media outlet, or agency?
- Can I download any of the reports or data?
- What is Mscore and how does it work?
- What specific elements of programming does Media Monitors capture?
- What do I see from Media Monitors in newspapers?
- Does Media Monitors provide any support or training?
- Does Media Monitor capture and title TV and Cable programs?
- How do I get a free trial?
- How do I log in if I forgot my password?